Hand and nerve surgery 

Dupuytren's contracture

Dupuytren's disease (Crooked Finger) is a benign disease of the connective tissue of the palm and fingers. Due to causes that are still unknown, it first results in the formation of knots and strands, which lead to an increasing retraction of the fingers. The ring or little finger is usually affected, but the disease can occur on any finger and even on the sole of the foot (Ledderhose's disease). The retraction of the fingers leads to increasing stiffness of the affected joints and impaired hand function at work and in everyday life.
Treatment used to be by surgery to remove the cords. Since 2011, we have had a substance available (XIAPEX®) that is injected into the cords by means of an injection and dissolves them at the injection site. After 24 hours, the strand can be torn by gentle traction and the finger can be completely stretched again, depending on the initial findings.

You can find more information under www.krummefinger.at

  • INDICATION retracted fingers
  • HOSPITAL STAY: not required
  • RISKS Swelling / bruises / small skin tears
  • AFTERCARE Night storage splint

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome (KTS /CTS) is a condition caused by constriction of the median nerve in the region of the carpus. The nerve runs there together with the flexor tendons through a narrow canal and can be damaged by lack of space. The consequences are sensory disturbances in the fingers (thumb to ring finger), night pain, increasing clumsiness and later even loss of strength.

  • OP INDICATION Sensory disturbances/ night pain/ clumsiness.
  • HOSPITAL STAY not required
  • RISKS bruises / wound infection / wound healing disorder
  • AFTERCARE Wound checks / suture removal

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

The cubital tunnel syndrome (Sulcus Nervi ulnaris Syndrome) is a disease caused by constriction of the ulnar nerve in the area of the elbow.  The consequences are sensory disturbances in the ring and little fingers, weakness when spreading the fingers and, in the final stage, the formation of a claw hand.

  • OP INDICATION Sensory disturbances / reduction in strength / pathological nerve conduction velocity
  • HOSPITAL STAY 1-2 Days
  • RISKS bruises / wound infection / wound healing disorder
  • AFTERCARE Arm splint for 10 days

Quick finger

Fasting finger (also known as snap finger or jumping finger) is a condition in which the flexor tendons at the base of the finger joint can no longer slide freely through the A1 annular ligament and therefore sometimes get stuck. Only when a forced attempt is made to extend the finger, do the tendons slip through the ligament and the finger "jumps" into extension.

  • OP INDICATION Pain / frequent extensor inhibition of the finger.
  • HOSPITAL STAY none required
  • RISKS bruises / wound infection / wound healing disorder
  • AFTERCARE None required

Nerve tumors

Nerve tumors usually originate from the sheath structures of the nerves and are benign. Removal is performed using magnifying glasses or a microscope and usually does not result in any deficits.

  • OP INDICATION palpable tumor/ sensory disturbances / reduction of strength
  • HOSPITAL STAY 1-2 Days
  • RISKS bruises / wound infection / wound healing disorder
  • AFTERCARE mostly not necessary